Thursday, December 14, 2006

Preventative Dentistry Mnemonic

Thanks to Rosie for this one!
Dentists Especialy Perfer Treating Their Eccentric Mothers

Treatment Planning
Evaluation of Results

Monday, December 11, 2006


While all of you were studying this weekend we had a baby! Chase was born on Dec 8th at night. Mom and baby are resting at home. Here is a picture... Aaron

Biomaterials Mohs' Hardness Scale Mnemonic

It seems that I have nothing to do with my time but to find mnemonics.
"Harder scratches softer"

Tom Gave Candice Flowers After Falsely Questioning Their Child's DNA

1) Talc
2) Gypsum
3) Calcite
4) Flourite
5) Aparite
6) Feldspar
7) Quartz
8) Topaz
9) Corundum
10) Diamond

Saturday, December 09, 2006

List of Case Studies

Here's a list of mentioned case studies. If I'm missing any please email me.

Cricothyroidotomy Moore Pg 1096
Tracheostomy Moore Pg 1100
Bell's Palsey Moore Pg 938, 945, 947
Trigeminal Neuralgia (Tic Douloureux) Moore Pg 944
Hematoma Moore Pg 919, 920
Swimmer's Ear Moore Pg 1026
Mastoiditis Moore Pg 1029
Blowout Fracture Moore Pg 958
Horner's Syndrome Moore Pg 973


Gross Anatomy Block Three Presentations

The presentations are located on the right column under files.
They're named Radiology and Block 3 embroyology.

To download this file click on the links. You'll be directed to a page from Rapid Share.
Click on the button on the bottom labled Free.
You will receive a Download ticket. And a countdown will commence. After the timer reaches zero, a bunch of letters will pop up. Type in the letters that you see in the box under the picture and then click on the download button next to it.

After the first file is downloaded you might be told you have to wait a while until you can download the second file. Please wait for the specified amount of time.

I understand this is a tad confusing but this is the only way we can download files for free without getting adware or any offensive material.
Good Luck studying!!