Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Friday, October 20, 2006

Birthdays and Hot Spots!!

We're redoing the embedded calendar so that exam dates will be posted along with special events such as birthdays and get togethers. Please email me your birthday or comment on this post. I'm also working on a online map for this page. Please send the address of your favorite Buffalo hangout so I can flag the hot spots our city.


Gross Anatomy Presentations

The gross anatomy presentations made by the fourth year med students on October 20th 2006 are online. Just follow the links on the right under "Files". There are two presentations. One presentation is for the cranial nerves and the other is three case studies. Anyone who has problems downloading them should contact me immediately. Everyone should download these two as they should be important for the case study section for our Block Two test.

BTW.. here's a fun mnemonic for the cranial nerves.
Oh, Oh, Oh! To Touch And Feel A Girl. Very, Sexy, Hot!

stands for....

Olfactory, Optic, Oculomotor, Trochlear, Trigeminal, Abducens, Facial, Auditory, Glossopharyngeal, Vagus, Spinal Accessory, Hypoglossal.


Thursday, October 19, 2006

Buffalo Blizzard

Share your Buffalo Blizzard of '06 on the UBDental web page. I've already uploaded Josh's pictures. Just click on the pictures link, Login as UBDental2010 and use the password, retromolar.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Histology This Friday.

Our upcoming histology exam is Friday 13th at 9am. The exam is computerized so be sure to bring your laptops.

Here's a nice Histology web site as well as this one.

Biochemistry Sound Off!

Nearly half the class had the Biochemistry exam of last year. We had no idea that the test for this year would be an almost exact copy of the last year exam. We now have a choice. We can voluntarily retake the exam on our own honor. However should there be not enough people taking the exam, everyone will be forced to retake it regardless if they had the previous exam or not. Post your opinions here for this controversial debate.

Keep it civilized.

I'd like to remind everyone who posts here that there is moderation of what is posted. Any derogatory remarks of any kind towards any student, faculty or staff will be removed. If you read any such comment please reach me as soon as possible.

Last year a dental student from Marquette University posted obscene comments about a teacher and faced expulsion. Here's the story.

I would like to avoid this at all possible but still keep this website fun.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Nick was here

Nick is current.

Mojo photos

We're kicking off our website with a few photos from Mojo's. Anyone is free to upload photos to the Yahoo photo album.

Monday, October 09, 2006

What's available here on this webpage.

I'm adding content as we go along and as more ideas come up. So far we have a calendar and an online poll. For the calendar just scroll down to the bottom of the page. You can add the calendar to your own custom google calendar by clicking on the google calendar button, logging in and accepting all calendars. This does require you to create a google account if you haven't already had one.

As for file sharing and message boards.. The class of 2009 had ethical problems concerning school files being online. Therefore I've decided not to host them here. This is a blog type of page so it replaces the message board format.

If you have any suggestions please email me.

Andrew Chen


Welcome to the website of the 2010 UB dental students!