Monday, January 12, 2009

Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Will Wagner

Here's a little story to mark the occasion:

The wedding date was set and three of the groom's best friends, a carpenter, an electrician and a dentist, were deciding what pranks they would play on the couple on their wedding night.

The carpenter decided that sawing the slats off their bed would give them a couple of laughs.

The electrician decided that wiring their beds with alternating current would be worth a chuckle or two.

The dentist wouldn't reveal what he had done, but wore a sly grin and promised that his prank would be a memorable one.

The wedding went as planned and a few days later, each of the groom's three friends receive a letter which read:

Dear Friends,
we didn't mind the bed slats being sawed and the electric shock was a minor setback. But, I am going to strangle the wise guy who put the novocaine in the vaseline!