Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Biochemistry Sound Off!

Nearly half the class had the Biochemistry exam of last year. We had no idea that the test for this year would be an almost exact copy of the last year exam. We now have a choice. We can voluntarily retake the exam on our own honor. However should there be not enough people taking the exam, everyone will be forced to retake it regardless if they had the previous exam or not. Post your opinions here for this controversial debate.


Anonymous said...

It is nice that taking the test again is voluntary, but if at least HALF of the class does not volunteer to take the test, then we will all have to take it again. Even though people did not realize they had the exact test, hopefully the people who saw it will voluntarily retake it because if they don't then we will all have to take it again anyway.

Anonymous said...

that retake was sooooo easy!!!!