Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Gross Anatomy Block Three Mnemonics!

It's time for another mnemonic!

Some Say Marry Money But My Brother Says Big Boobs Matter More
I:Sensory, II:Sensory, III:Motor, IV:Motor, V:Both, VI:Motor, VII:Both, VIII:Both, IX:Both, X:Both, XI:Motor, XII:Motor

Some Angry Lady Figured Out PMS
Order of branches coming off external carotid artery: Superior thyroid, Ascending pharyngeal, Lingual, Facial, Occipital, Post-auricular, Maxillary and Superficial temporal

Ten Zebras Bit My Chicken
temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, cervical ( branches of facial nerve)

Lies Izz MBA
(V1) Lacrimal, Infratrochlear, External Nasal, Supratochlear
(V2) Infraoribital, Zygomaticotemperal, Zygomaticofacial
(V3) Mental, Buccal, Auriculotemporal

(Nerves of Trigeminal )

Oh, Oh Oh! To Touch And Feel A Girl's Vagina And Hymen
Olfactory, Optic, Oculomotor, Trochlear, Trigeminal, Abducens, Facial, Auditory, Glossopharyngeal, Vagus, Spinal Accessory, Hypoglossal.


Anonymous said...

People should stop crying about every exam date

Anonymous said...

you spelled vagina wrong, i kinda thought you were unfamilar with that word.