Saturday, December 09, 2006

List of Case Studies

Here's a list of mentioned case studies. If I'm missing any please email me.

Cricothyroidotomy Moore Pg 1096
Tracheostomy Moore Pg 1100
Bell's Palsey Moore Pg 938, 945, 947
Trigeminal Neuralgia (Tic Douloureux) Moore Pg 944
Hematoma Moore Pg 919, 920
Swimmer's Ear Moore Pg 1026
Mastoiditis Moore Pg 1029
Blowout Fracture Moore Pg 958
Horner's Syndrome Moore Pg 973



Anonymous said...

I found another one: Horner's syndrome, pg. 973 Moore

Anonymous said...

Thanks!! updating .


Anonymous said...

here's another : trigeminal neuralgia, moore p. 944


Anonymous said...

Doh! Forgot about that one. That was the suicidal pain one.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget about the shocker!!!!
Figure B3.15, page 419, Moore

Anonymous said...

how long did it take to find that one?