Friday, January 25, 2008


These videos are for our entertainment and a parody of our years at Buffalo Dental School. They are not meant to reflect on the professionalism here at this School. Special kudos go out to all the Faculty who have participated in making these videos so that we can laugh at our experiences here.

Vanguard Part 1

The Vanguard Part 2

The Sophmore Part 1

Here are a string of videos made by the "Toothless Productions" of UB Dental Class of 2005. Thanks to Eric Vieth for supplying the movies

The Sophmore Part 2

The Sophmore Final Part

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Tier "A"wkward

Led by Doctor Garpalo
Has Dr. Bush, Dr Haraszthi, Dr. Todd Havens, Dr. Blair, Dr. Tobias, Dr Patticoff-Wienman, Dr. Swartz, Dr. Buscaglia, Dr. Nylander (Perio) Dr. Grant, Dr. Devantier and Dr. Schifferle

Shawn Bui
Brent Casper
David Cundick
Aaron Hassell
Paul Kloek
Yevgeny Kozlovsky
Robert Leonard
Patrick Madden
Jasjit Minhas
Matthew Nadler
Michael Perry
Jenna Polinsky
Hamed Rezakhan
Richard Salvatore
Kameron Schberg
Andrew Schneider
Wesley Shute
Richard Smith
John Tayler
Kyle Thorsurd
Eric Vieth
Jeremy Zobel

Tier "B" ad

Directed by Docter Shenoy
Has Dr. Wiz, Dr. Brown, Dr. Maggio, Dr. Zielin, Dr. Froebo Dr. Flynn, Dr. Munoz, Dr. Croglio, Dr. Dolgos and Dr. Slawinowski

Jay Albanese
Lindsay Bancroft
Mark Barry
Andrew Bitter
Nathan Bouchard
Michael Chang
Jamie Charland
Andrew Deutch
Christopher Hock
Tiffany Jadoo
David Lindman
Matthew Mansey
James Marusich
Mayer Noskow
John O'Brien
Casey Patterson
Matthew Simon
Matthew Turbush
Joshusa Twiss
Matthew Wallace
Helen Weirich

Tier "C" lumsy

Directed by Doctor Sobieraj
Has Dr. Connie, Dr. Sy. Dr. Munoz, Dr. D'arrigo, Dr. Dowd, Dr. Balcerak, Dr. Mozrall, Dr. Ruocco, Dr. Privatera

Glenn Ashworth
Andrew Chen
Dennis Doyle
Iren Foster
Tawfiq Hazboun
Sharon Matthew
Michael Nagai
Lisa Newman
Alex Nguyen
Kim Nguyen
Vikki Palermo
Sohyoun Park
Nishith Patel
Melissa Perrino
Benjamin Phillips
Katie-Rose Radin
Burton Rankie
Steven Regitsky-Xerri
"Reddy" Phanidhar Sadda Venkata
James Shaul
Amanda Wildman

Tier "D" umb

Led by Doctor Starring
Has Dr. Hart, Dr. Haberman, Dr. McHenry and Dr. Ayub

Gillian Alexander
Pedro Alverez
Kristen Bender
Michelle Boyd
Tyler Fordham
You Jia
Min Kim
Nathan Korff
Won Gi Lee
Yao Liu
Tiffany Pasquariello
Dhruvikabahen Patel
Matthew Prindle
Daniel Rhoten
Shady Samuel Boutros
Bradley Seago
Sarah Stewart
Nicholas Tanner
Jonas Westbrook
Josh Whatcott
Mary Zuccaro

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Halfway through 2nd Year!

Welcome back from the Holiday Break

As usual the calendar will be updated. Nick has shown me that anyone who uses iCal can subscribe to class calendar on google calendar. Instructions are on this link