Thursday, January 17, 2008

Tier "C" lumsy

Directed by Doctor Sobieraj
Has Dr. Connie, Dr. Sy. Dr. Munoz, Dr. D'arrigo, Dr. Dowd, Dr. Balcerak, Dr. Mozrall, Dr. Ruocco, Dr. Privatera

Glenn Ashworth
Andrew Chen
Dennis Doyle
Iren Foster
Tawfiq Hazboun
Sharon Matthew
Michael Nagai
Lisa Newman
Alex Nguyen
Kim Nguyen
Vikki Palermo
Sohyoun Park
Nishith Patel
Melissa Perrino
Benjamin Phillips
Katie-Rose Radin
Burton Rankie
Steven Regitsky-Xerri
"Reddy" Phanidhar Sadda Venkata
James Shaul
Amanda Wildman


Gwendolyn Stervline said...
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Anonymous said...

Yeah C!!! I actually think it stands for "cool" and "competent." And maybe a little bit of "classy."

~Rosie (yes, I'm lazy enough to sign in as anonymous and then write my name.)

Anonymous said...

Rosie talk is cheap, youll have to prove that