Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dental Nirvana

Thanks Michelle for the heads up!

Dental Nirvana!
By Lynn Roberson

In the last calendar year, Madam X spent $7,000 dollars on her teeth- two crowns, one implant, a filling or two. That's with insurance and the discounts that her sympathetic dentist of 16 years offered. For $7,000, Madame could travel around the world!

Madame put her exorbitant dental bills on a low interest medical charge card that she may pay off by the time she is 80. Every month she gets her bill and grinds her teeth. Since tooth grinding (bruxisim) is the cause of her dental woes, she constantly needs more dental work. She's in a no-win situation, much like the doomed Sisyphus of mythic Greek hell.

With great interest, Madam read an article in the New York Times about dental vacations. She learned that over 200,000 Americans traveled abroad in 2006 to combine low cost, high quality dentistry with a holiday frolic. Imagine having a root canal in sunny Acapulco, or bridgework in Belle Époque Budapest. What a concept!

Fate intervened before Madam X could wend her tooth-grinding way to an exotic dental destination. She moved to Buffalo, NY. A major molar filling broke immediately. Heeding the words of her Florida dentist, "You get the best dental care at a dental college," she sought out the University at Buffalo. What she found was a dental Nirvana on Main Street - UB's School of Dental Medicine.

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